The Bloodlines limit of Hoshigaki clan resemble sharks because of their pale blue skin and gilled faces. There are not much information about this clan and they remain mysterious at the moment. But I think the Hoshigaki clan have a great tactical advantage when they are within water and maybe they are very skilled at using water jutsus.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Naruto Bloodlines limit: Shark
Labels: Naruto Bloodlines limit
Posted by Jeff at 4:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
Naruto Bloodlines limit: Shadow Harness
The Nara clan is most comfortable at attacking within the darkness because they have the power to control shadows which is called the Shadow Harness bloodline limit. One big disadvantage of their bloodline limit is shadows aren't found everywhere and because of this they can't just relay on their bloodline alone so they need to be able to use their brains to devise a good strategy to fight their enemies. Shadows can be bent twisted and moved into any direction but move slower than a slug in daylight. By harnessing the power of shadow they can control their enemies or strangle them with great strength.
Labels: Naruto Bloodlines limit
Posted by Jeff at 4:29 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Naruto Bloodlines limit: Multi-Size
The Akimachi family is not only known for their huge appetite but also their technique which makes their clan able to perform a powerful multi-sizing technique. Their multi-size technique makes their body size and mass multiply at will and return to their original form as well. Since their abilities require an exorbitant amount of chakra, they store it in their body by piling up calories. The amount of calories that they store also enables them to use powerful medicines, which grant them additional power. Akimachis have a common bodily feature which makes them looks like obese or big-boned.
Labels: Naruto Bloodlines limit
Posted by Jeff at 4:23 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Naruto Bloodlines limit: Chakra Bugs
The Aburame clan has a bloodline limit which is called Chakra Bugs. This technique allows the Aburame clan to let enormous number of insects and bugs to live inside their body feeding on their chakra which they can use to fight. The bugs are controlled by the users minds, and they consume the opponents chakra. Some of the bugs are so small that it is hard for the opponent to detect them.
Labels: Naruto Bloodlines limit
Posted by Jeff at 4:16 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Naruto Bloodlines limit: Mirror of Ice Crystals
Haku's bloodline limit is called Mirror of Ice Crystals. Although we saw how Haku uses his bloodline limit in Naruto episode 13, there's not enough information about this skill. Although the name of skill is "mirror" it doesn't reflect anyone's image but of Haku's and actually Haku seems to merge himself into the mirrors which allows Haku to travel at incredible speeds that normal opponents cannot see with their eyes. The Mirror of Ice Crystals bloodline limit originated from the Hidden village of Mist.
Labels: Naruto Bloodlines limit
Posted by Jeff at 4:09 AM 2 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
Naruto Bloodlines limit: Byakugan
Byakugan is another Naruto bloodline limit which is possessed by the Hyuuga clan. Hyuuga Neji is one of Naruto characters that can use the Byakugan ability. A person that possess the Byakugan ability can have a 360 degree vision, see people's chakra circulatory system and see many more things beyond a normal Ninja eye can do. Although they say that a Byakugan can see 360 degrees there is still a blind spot (as to what Neji has demonstrated) that every Byakugan user must protect. It was said that Byakugan is much superior compare to Sharingan, but I think Sharingan has a lot of advantage compare to Byakugan or we will find out more in the future.
Labels: Naruto Bloodlines limit
Posted by Jeff at 2:55 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Naruto Bloodlines limit: Sharingan
Some of you might be familiar already with Sharingan. People from the clan Uchiha has this skill. Sharingan is an Uchiha bloodline limit. The power of the Sharingan comes from one's pupils which allows the owner to predict his enemy's movement as well as use high level hallucination techniques. Another great advantage of Sharingan is it can see through his opponent's genjutsu, taijutsu, and ninjutsu and cancel their effects. Kakashi is one of the most famous user of Sharingan. Like other character that possesses Sharingan, He can also copy his opponents techniques. Although, Kakashi can use it he's not apart of the Uchiha clan and his ability to use it is not as complete as Sasuke or Itachi because he only has it on one eye. Sharingan can be combined with other techinques that only Sharingan users are able to use. They say that Sharingan was a branch off of Byakugan. Presently, only three people have the ability to use this skill. Sasuke, Itachi and Kakashi.

Labels: Naruto Bloodlines limit
Posted by Jeff at 2:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Ubisoft Announces Free Demo of Naruto: The Broken Bond on the Xbox Live Marketplace
It's free!
Ubisoft announced today that a free demo of Naruto: The Broken Bond for the Xbox 360 is available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace.
The demo features exclusive content that explores the events that occurred after Naruto: Rise of a Ninja and will also allow players to play through the prologue of Naruto: The Broken Bond. This game is also the only Naruto game to feature online multiplayer.
by:Chris Vicari
Im sure a lot of avid Naruto anime will be cramming that place just to be the first one to experience this new Naruto game: The Broken Bond. Especially those who are sick of playing pirates and cute characters. If you want action game and playing ninja gives you a higher fun beyond your usualy army or pirate game then you will surely enjoy playing ninja character called Naruto and follow his escapades or you can choose from 30 different Naruto characters in the demo. I hope they release a PSP version of this game.
Labels: naruto game news
Posted by Jeff at 6:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Naruto Cosplay

Labels: Naruto cosplay
Posted by Jeff at 12:35 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Naruto Shippuden episode 76 - 77
Naruto Shippuden episode 76 - 77. First, The Akatsuki. They are reaching their destination to make the exchange. The two walked into a bathroom through a secret door to make the exchange. The two Akatsuki has tension between them they keep on arguing while the konoha teams are preparing to ambush the Akatsuki team members. No one knows which location the two man team went to, so all are prepared. Shikimaru and Asuma found the right place. They ambush Hidan with the Shadow bind technique (using Shikiamaru’s shadow to paralyze an opponent), and two other ninjas go in for the kill. Having pierced his vital organs, the whole team is surprised to see Hidan perfectly alive, and apparently just really annoyed by the attack. The konoha team reassembles and decides to have just Asuma attack, making him a sacrifice to get Hidan (this is technique called a “Climbing Silver” in the chess-like game shoji, hence the title). Just as they seem to have finally gotten Hidan killed in a giant fireball, he turns to a skeletal looking black and white color. We’ll find out what this transformation means in the next episode.
On the other hand, Naruto is still learning the next part of his training. Kakashi explained to Naruto that the Rasengan is the ultimate in shape manipulation and the next step or thing that the Fourth Hokage was trying to achieve was to combine rasengan with an element. But the Fourth Hokage failed to achieve this task. Naruto’s element is wind. Kakashi explains to him that this kind of technique is not easy to achieve even the Fourth Hokage failed to mix an element to the rasengan. Kakashi also told Naruto that he believes that Naruto can achieve this skill and he can surpass the fourth hokage. Naruto, begins his next training instantly and instantly realize how hard this training is. He compared the training to himself trying to look left and right at the same time. This new technique caused Naruto some serious strain to the point where the Kyuubi is starting to violently leak out, causing the “fox’s cloak” to form. Yamato immediatly surpresses the Kyuubi, and Naruto collapses from the exhaustion.

Like you i have been waiting for the next Naruto Shippuden episode 76 to be released. So while waiting why not enjoy your self with these good looking Naruto wallpapers that we have.
Labels: Naruto Shippuden episodes
Posted by Jeff at 4:00 PM 0 comments
Naruto shippuuden episode 75 The Old Monks Prayer
Asuma mourns Chiriku’s (one of the 12 ninja guardians)death while Hidan and Kakuzu take Chiriku in for their payment. Meanwhile, Kakashi shows Naruto what the true goal of his training will be. It is also revealed that Kakashi can perform the Rasengan.
Labels: Naruto Shippuden episodes
Posted by Jeff at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Naruto Shippuden episode 72: Silently Approaching Threat
Everybody on Konoha are still repairing the damage after the last attack on Konoha, even Tsunade sama has become more serious on her duties as the Fifth Hokage. Asuma get flashback on what his father’s said when he was on Sarutobi’s funeral. Naruto and Sai are still healing their wound on hospital while Sakura attend to them. Kakashi gave report to Tsunade about Akatsuki’s move. After his last journey with Jiraiya to get information about akatsuki, Kakashi is back and ready to continue Naruto’s training. On the other place, two Akatsuki, Hidan and Kakuzu, have starting their fight againt two-tails Jinchuuriki which was known as Nii Yugito of the Hidden Cloud. Nii Yugitoo tried to trapped them and turn out to her true form “two tailed beast”. it seems they were on danger and no match for Nii Yugitoo but on the last filler akatsuki were the winner. They are so incredibl and looks like they are immortal, because Hidan was tabbed him self with swords only for killed their enemy.
Labels: Naruto Shippuden episodes
Posted by Jeff at 9:33 AM 0 comments
Naruto Shippuden episode 71: Friend
The end of the Sora arc. Naruto finally have been succeded to pressing Kyubi’s chakra from taking over himself again. Then Naruto tried the same thing for Sora, he tried to awakening Sora. And when Naruto was walking towards Kyuubi Sora, he was beaten down by Sora. Naruto stand up again and try again but he failed. Sakura come to heal Naruto but on the same time Sora attack them by ball amount of chakra. Naruto protect Sakura with his body and ask him to join other. Let Naruto to handle Sora by his own self. Meanwhile, Kazuma tried to escape from Azuma, but Sai come to help zuma and finally Kazuma has been defeated by Azuma. Back again to Naruto and Sora, when Sora heared Naruto’s voice, he get his self back slowly. And finally Naruto could hit Sora and succeded awakening Sora. On the other side, new opponent has apeared, Akatsuki has been starting their move. It seem two Akatsuki’s member tried to kill two-tails Jinchuuriki. Their name are Hidan and Kakuzu.
Labels: Naruto Shippuden episodes
Posted by Jeff at 8:33 AM 0 comments
Naruto Shippuden espisode 70: Resonance
In Naruto Shippuden espisode 70 everyone is trying to stop Sora while Asuma and the newly revealed Kazuma are fighting off on their own. Pretty much nothing works on Sora, despite the reapeated efforts till Naruto does his “I understand how you feel” thing and instead of solving the problem, Sora’s released chakra resonates with the real chakra inside of Naruto. Naruto begins to develop the fox’s cloak as well. Sora sprouts the fourth tail becoming the fully formed Fox that we’ve seen when Naruto went “four tails” as well. Naruto starts to change as well but stops the tranformation returning to normal. Everynow and then we see images of Sora, apparently his “inner conciousness” where he faintly hears Naruto’s voice. And that’s it. Serisously, we know Naruto is going to save the day, again, by merely making Sora his friend.
Labels: Naruto Shippuden episodes
Posted by Jeff at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Naruto Shippuden episode 69: Despair
Furido notices that one of the four Lightning Ninjas were destroyed and dissapates his ressurection technique. Not giving up, he goes to plan B where he releases the Chakra inside of Sora. Flashback: when the Kyuubi first attacked Konoha, some ninjas took advantage of the attack and collected some of the chakra that leaked off. They cultivated it and inserted it in Sora. So basically, Sora is another version of Naruto. Now that this chakra is released, he starts to develop the fox’s cloak and some tails. Naruto is trying to talk him down, but Furido released the chakra completely so there’s no stopping it. Also, All the other ninjas arrive, including Asuma. Asuma suddenly realized that Furido is Kazuma (yes Sora’s Father). So off go Kazuma and Asuma to fight to the death as sora lays there screaming about the pain (and his screaming, by the way, sounds like a mix of a cat getting strangled and a dog in heat-in short nothing pretty or even remotely clos to normal human noise).